At Bluefield Inn, we don't have forced-air heating or A/C so air is not shared from room to room!
How We're Keeping You Safe
The health and safety of our guests and staff are our top priority and we are implementing the latest industry recommendations to maintain a safe environment. In addition to:
- On-going disinfecting cleaning of all common areas and guest rooms with commercial-grade disinfectants.
- All bedding including pillow protectors and mattress pads is washed and sanitized between each stay. There are individual coffee makers in each room and the coffee, together with condiments, alcohol wipes, and Godiva chocolates are enclosed in tied cellophane bags to ensure that they are not touched by other guests.
- Air Safety. Unlike most lodging properties, no air is circulated from room to room because we do not have an HVAC system. Each room is heated with radiators and electric fireplaces and cooled with individual A/C units.
- Hand sanitizer is available in common areas.
- All guests and staff wear masks in all common areas and the staff checks regularly to ensure that they have no symptoms of COVID including fevers.
We have also implemented the below practices to keep our guests and employees as safe as we possibly can:
- We are utilizing both of our dining areas to allow guests to dine with greater than recommended social distancing. If groups of two or more are traveling together, we will discuss their options at check-in.
- Guests may opt for in-room dining at no charge, or to have breakfast prepared to go.
- As the weather permits, we offer breakfast to our guests on our open-air patio.